Langton Green Primary School

Academic Results

Pupils of primary school age take part in statutory assessments in Reception, Year One, Year Two and Year 6.

The Department for Education no longer publishes information on pupil results over time due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we are confident, through part data and our own internal measures throughout the pandemic, that pupil at Langton attain highly and also make good progress from their academic starting points. 

The most recent and relevant national data available for all schools is from 2023.

Key Stage 2

The end of Year 6 is the point at which statuary national assessment data is collected about the pupils across the core subjects of Reading, Writing, Maths, Science and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS). For Writing and Science, these judgements are ‘teacher-assessed’ judgements, according to a standardised framework of criteria.

For Reading, Maths and GPS, these judgements are made according to the national curriculum tests (sometimes called SATs) that the children sat in May. This result is a scaled score based on the student’s raw score, which has been adjusted for age and placed on a scale of 80 to 120 that makes a comparison with a nationally representative sample of students of the same age across the UK. A child working at age-related expected is expected to receive a score of over 100. A pupil working at the higher standard within the subject is expected to receive a score of over 110.

Key Stage 1

The end of Year 2 is a point in the pupils’ journey through primary school when national statutory assessment data is collected about the pupils in the core subjects of Reading, Writing, Maths and Science.

These judgements are ‘teacher-assessed’ judgements, according to a standardised framework of criteria. The pupils have also sat a range of tests (sometimes referred to as SATs) to help inform the teachers’ judgements. These tests are indicative only, and the teacher bases the assessment of pupils on a significant collection of evidence from across the year.

Results by subject: (2020, 2021 and 2022 results were not published due to the pandemic. 2023 results are yet to be published by the DfE)

Note: From 2024, KS1 assessments will be non-statutory.

Year 1 and Year 2 Phonics Screening Outcomes

The Phonics Screening is taken by all pupils in the last term of Year 1. The children work one to one with their class teacher to read a set of 40 real and made up words. Each word can be read using the phonics learnt by the children in reception and year 1 (Phases 1 - 5).

The screening is designed to assess pupils ability to use phonological understanding and application. 

By year 1 children should have developed an understanding of how most words are made up of a series of phonetic sounds represented by letters. This knowledge, and the ability to apply it, is seen as a key early reading indicator. The screening does not assess understanding of tricky words which do not follow phonetic rules.

Children at Langton do very well in the phonic screening. For the small number of pupils who are not able to meet the required standard by the end of year 1, the screening is repeated at the end of year 2.

(2020, 2021 and 2022 results were not published due to the pandemic. 2023 results are yet to be published by the DfE)


Early Years

Pupil attainment in the early years is made using observation-based teacher assessments. Children do not sit any type of formal test at this point in their school career.

Teachers collect information about the pupils’ abilities across a range of different strands. The prime areas are: Literacy; Maths; Physical Development; Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Communication and Language.

A child who reaches the Expected standard in all of the prime areas by the end of Reception is judged to have reached a “good level of development”.

(2020, 2021 and 2022 results were not published due to the pandemic. 2023 results are yet to be published by the DfE)

Performance tables:

Follow the link below for Performance Tables.
