Langton Green Primary School

After School Clubs

We offer a wide range of clubs and activities, which are popular and well-supported.

We wholeheartedly believe in the benefits of extra-curricular learning for our pupils. Not only do our clubs promote academic skill progression across the curriculum, they also support the physical, social and emotional well-being of our whole school community.

In September 2021, we relaunched our clubs offering with a new, whole school approach:

 Our vision for extra-mural clubs at LGPS:

We aim to provide a range of clubs to support all areas of school life and to give pupils new opportunities. To help us organise and structure this approach, we build and design clubs across four key areas:

  • Express - clubs that give pupils the chance to express themselves through the arts, craft, drama and music.
  • Explore - clubs that provide the chance to investigate the world around us through Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
  • Exercise - clubs that allow opportunities to stay physically fit and healthy in body and mind, while developing teamwork and communication skills.
  • Exhale - clubs that are opportunities to talk, learn positive mental health strategies, build self-confidence and participate in well-being activities.

Clubs on offer in 2024/25:

Shown below are the clubs on currently offered for Term 3 & 4 2024/25. If you are interested in signing your child up for any of the clubs below, please contact the school office and they will be able to let you know whether there are any spaces available.


Before school

Lunch time

After school




KS2 LUCA Multi Sports 



 All Years Cross Country


Year R-2 LUCA Multi Sports 

KS2 Wildcats Football

Year 5/6Netball 

KS2 Creative Drama


 KS2 Singing Club

Year 1-6 French

Year 5/6 Gardening

 Year 3/4 Craft Club

EYFS/KS1 Creative Drama

Year 5/6 Football Squad

KS1 LUCA Football 




Year 3-6 LUCA Football 




All Years Studio N Dance 

