Langton Green Primary School

School Meals and Milk

As of 1st April 2021, school meals are provided by Independent Catering.

Can we please remind you that ALL meals that require payment need to be pre-paid via ParentPay and cash payments will not be accepted.

You do not need to pre-order your child's meal, they can still choose daily, but your account does need to contain enough credit for the meal. From 4th September 2023 the cost per meal will be £2.53..

All meals taken including those entitled to UIFSM or FSM can be viewed each week within your child's account on ParentPay.

If you need to speak to the staff in the kitchen, please phone 01892 863223.

Independent Catering website -

Independent Catering Term 4 2024-25 menu (download here)

Free School Meals

You may be able to get free school meals for your child(ren). There is now a quick and easy online application system which enables you to apply direct to KCC – no need to go through the school office. Click on the link below for details:

School Milk is provided by Coolmilk

Their contact details are as below:


Tel: 0333 400 1199

