Statutory Information
Every school must publish specific information on its website to comply with The School Information Regulations 2012.
School opening hours: 8:30am with registration at 8:55am.
End of day: For all year groups is 3:30pm.
Total school hours in a week: 32.5 hours.
(Please note that these timings and total hours are currently under review by the senior leadership team)
- Requests for copies - we will provide a paper copy of any of the information on this website free of charge.
- School contact details - see "Contact Us" page
Information regarding admissions...
- Admissions arrangements - see Admissions Policy
Information regarding standards and performance...
- Ofsted Reports - see "Ofsted Report February 2024" or Ofsted website
- Performance tables - see DfE's "School and College Performance Tables"
Information regarding finance...
- No LGPS employees have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.
- School financial benchmarking service
- Finance Accountability - see DfE's "Workforce and Finance Reporting"
- Charging and Remissions Policy - see Charging Policy Summary and Charging and Remissions Policy
- Pupil premium - see "Pupil Premium" page
- PE and Sport Premium for Primary Schools - see "PE Funding" page
- COVID-19 Premium - COVID-19 Premium
Information regarding the curriculum...
- Values and Ethos - see the "Vision & Values" and "British Values" pages.
- Curriculum - we follow the National Curriculum. The National Curriculum can be viewed here: National Curriculum in England - Primary Curriculum. This is supported by our use of the Cornerstones Curriculum programme. You can read more about the structure, aims and assessment of our curriculum from the 'Curriculum Overview' page of our website.
- Phonics - We use the DfE validated phonics scheme Supersonic Phonics Friends to teach early reading from Reception to Year 2. Information about the Core Subjects of our curriculum, including phonics, can be found here.
- Behaviour policy - see Behaviour Policy
- Complaints Policy - see Complaints Policy
- Special Education Needs Report - see "Specialised Provision" page
- Governors Information and Duties - see "Governors" page
- Equality - Equality Policy Autumn 2020 Equality Objectives Included to be ratified by the FGB at next meeting (0.15 MB)